Refresh vs. Long-lived Access Tokens
One question which I frequently receive is:
Why would you want to use long-lived refresh tokens that generate short-lived access tokens as commonly seen in OAuth 2.0, versus long-lived access tokens? Aren’t you simply replacing one long-lived token with another?
Before diving into everything, some vocabulary to clarify:
- Access token: a secret token that clients can exchange with servers to get access to their resources. These can either be long-lived (and potentially never expire), or short-lived, where they might last for only hours to days.
- Refresh token: a long-lived secret token that itself does not grant access to resources, but which instead can be exchanged with an authorization server for a short-lived access token
- Authorization server: the server(s) which consumes refresh tokens and issues access tokens
- Resource server: the server(s) which consume and validate access tokens, and grants access to authorized services if valid
Why Refresh Tokens
There isn’t any one huge advantage that immediately stands out in favor of refresh tokens. Instead, there are a number of incremental improvements that add up towards making it the overall superior design.
It simplifies revocation, for much the same reason that digital certificates (as used in HTTPS) are slowly changing to be 90 days by default. Long-lived access tokens require that all systems that receive the access token need to be constantly checking a central server to see if the token has been revoked.
When using a refresh token, only the authorization server needs to check for revocation, and the self-contained stateless nature of the short-lived access tokens they generate means that systems which consume them only need to check that they haven’t expired and that their signature is valid. While this doesn’t matter as much in smaller scale systems where there are few resource servers, it both eases development as systems grow and results in sometimes significant performance gains.
Short-lived access tokens limit the impact of them being leaked or compromised. While refresh tokens tend to live on and only transit between two endpoints — the client and authorization server — access tokens are transmitted to every single resource server that requires them.
As a result of violating the core security axiom of minimizing the frequency at which long-lived tokens cross trust boundaries, it becomes immensely more difficult to secure long-lived access tokens from compromise.
even if the compromised system is repaired, all access tokens sent to it will forever be untrustworthy With a refresh token design, the authorization server and its storage can be robustly secured, with access to those systems extremely limited. On the other hand, resource servers are run by dozens of teams with a wide range of technology stacks and security postures. As a result, resource servers are far more likely to leak an access token through improper logging, poor access control, analytics, attacker compromise, etc.
In the event of a leak or compromise, the impact is far more limited with refresh tokens than it is with long-lived access tokens. Instead of simply fixing the underlying issue and letting the short-lived access tokens expire, long-lived access tokens also require you to either revoke all affected tokens or constantly monitor for abuse on an indefinite basis.
access tokens disclosed to a repaired but previously compromised system will expire quickly without manual intervention -
Refresh tokens provide incremental improvements to client security, as allowed by their intermittent use. As long-lived access tokens get used across numerous services on every request, it is necessary that they live in memory. Refresh tokens can live in secure enclaves or keychains, and their infrequent use in both memory and on the network provides some mitigation against transient attacks.
Refresh tokens allow for flexibility in future access grants. When using a refresh token, the authorization server is free to either add or remove individual permissions granted to access tokens as time goes on and system designs change. The immutable nature of long-lived access tokens adds significant complexity to permission changes, short of turning them into a quasi-refresh token by exchanging them for different access tokens or by using them to query a centralized permission store.
Although a pretty minor benefit, the nature of refreshing access tokens allows abuse teams to build better heuristics around abuse detection. Having a history of refresh and access token behavior allows more powerful anti-abuse detections than simply using a long-lived access token alone.
Why Not Refresh Tokens
While there are a number of upsides to using refresh tokens, there are also some downsides:
Increased client complexity as a result of having to implement the logic to exchange refresh tokens for access tokens. Although this is typically a one-time cost and is often abstracted away by OAuth libraries, it nevertheless adds time to build to initial client implementations when compared to a simple access token.
The very nature of authorization servers means that they act as a single point-of-failure. This can be mitigated to a significant degree by tweaking access token lifetimes, building redundancy and resiliency around authorization servers, and by having clients request refreshed access tokens comfortably before expiration to avoid temporary “blips.”
However, the very design of having a centralized authorization server gating the creation of new access tokens means that long outages on these systems can nevertheless result in all dependent resource servers being unable to operate.
Note that long-lived access tokens have their own single point-of-failure in their need for centralized revocation servers, although systems are commonly designed to “fail open” if their revocation status servers are unavailable despite the trade-off in security that this entails.
I hope this helps to clarify what the upsides and downsides of refresh tokens are, and why modern applications tend to be designed around refresh tokens. While they aren’t perfect, the combined benefits of using refresh tokens and short-lived access tokens are pretty substantial.
Additional Information
- Refresh tokens, as described in the OAuth 2.0 specification
[Category: Security] [Tags: Access Control, OAuth]